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Topics - Google_Kriss_Hietala
Doujin Center / [nDS] Doujinowe, nieoficjalne, fanowskie tłumaczenia gier.
« on December 6th, 2012, 09:35 PM »
Sporo gier wyszlo tylko dla japońskiego regionu i w japońskiej wersji językowej. Jednakże w przypadku ds(inaczej niż jest to odnosnie psp) sporo tych gier jest przetłumaczonych. Jakie gry/visual novelki dzięki twórczości fanów ujrzały światło dzienne w eng wersji językowej ?
Doujin Center / [nDS] Touhoumon
« on November 28th, 2012, 12:45 AM »
Szukam touhoumonow wersja ds (nie gba) oraz innych spin offów na dsa.

Która wersja jest najnowsza ?
DotS Arena / ZMiana serwera do rozgrywek online
« on June 2nd, 2012, 12:05 AM »
Coby się nie rozpisywać
Doujin Center / Grand theft Touhou San Andreas.
« on November 1st, 2011, 06:26 PM »

torrent ->

Wymaga San Andreas v1.0.
Main features:

17 spell cards, including Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal", Divine Spear "Spear the Gungnir", Scarlet Weather Rhapsody of All Mankind, Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-", and more.
Touhou-based weapons, like Komachi's scythe, Aya's fan, Suika's gourd, and Mima's staff.
92 different player skins.
11 model sets for the main plot characters based on PC-98, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism, Undefined Fantastic Object, Reimu, and Marisa.
11 radio stations based on different Touhou arrange groups, including C-CLAYS, Demetori, dBu music, and WAVE.
Random NPCs using nearly 100 different Touhou models.
Patch 1,5

Parę screenów:

DotS Arena / [DotS] English release
« on July 28th, 2011, 06:23 PM »
Bugged as always. No nerdy konserwatywne macie i cieszcie się ;P
BTW. Parsee nie ma ;P
DotS Arena / [Dots] Replay center
« on July 19th, 2011, 10:36 PM »
Wrzucać tu replaye, najlepiej wraz z podaniem wersji w3 oraz z postaciam(i graczami) co w niej wystepują. Tutaj wrzucam swoje replay. Poza yukari, nastepne wymagają 1.26.


Aikawajyun (Flandre)
D.H.D.G17 (Momizi)
15651b (Tenshi)
Kriss_Hietala (Yuugi)

FonSpaak (Byakuren)
waterblueco (Komachi)
alanden2268 (Aya)
DreamDaem (Suwako)
DotS Arena / Builds - Iku Nagae
« on July 19th, 2011, 06:30 PM »


Attack Range: 600
Movement Speed: 290
STR: 17 (+1.80)
AGI: 24 (+2.00)
INT: 19 (+2.20)


Passive ability: "Fever time"
Iku will gain an additional 10 HP and 1 damage each time she levels up.

Angel's Raiment "Veils Like Space"
Umiejka zwiększa szybkość ataku, poruszania się oraz dodaje bonusowe obrażenia. SSie manę nieustannie jak jest włączony.

Thorn Sign "Thunder Cloud Stickleback"
Iku ma zwiekszony armor, otacza się elektrycznością przyciągając i odrzucając wrogów, którzy znajdą się w zasięgu. Dodatkowo zapewnia redukcje obrażeń magicznych.

Light Star "Dragon God’s Sigh"
Pasywka, która wyzwala łańcuch błyskawic, który zahacza o 3 cele i przyciąga je do Iku zadając dodatkowe obrażenia.

SimonDragon Fish "Your Drill is The Drill That Penetrates the Heavens!"
Iku używa mega wiertła spowalniając i raniąc przeciwników w zasiegu. Dodatkowo podczas działania ulta Light Star "Dragon God’s Sigh ma 100% szans na aktywacje.

Kolejność rozdawania skill pointów:


Zestaw startowy: Tengu Talisman | Cat Mint | Hakurei Shrine Tea | Ticket
Zestaw końcowy:
Reszta wedle osobistych preferencji(lub tez dopasowując się do przeciwnika)

Ult w połączeniu z [F] nalezycie wykonany zjada nawet tanków. ;) jednak nalezy mieć na uwage, iż pakowanie w atk speed i agility jest wskazane dla tej psotaci, to tracimy jednak wtedy szansę na przezycie, jesli ktoś umiejetnie wjedzie nam na plecy. Dlatego do itemów mozna dodać to -> Stworzymy klona, sami stając się niewidzialni i mamy szanse po cichu się oddalić.
DotS Arena / Podłączanie się pod BN DotS MotK
« on July 19th, 2011, 05:46 PM »
Wpierw potrzebne pliki:

Loader pvpgn


Battlenet gateway editor

patch 1.26a

1.Patchujemy grę The Frozen Throne do wersji 1.26a
2. Wrzucamy loader pvpgn
3. Używamy battlenet gateway editor i zmieniamy/dodajemy bramkę dla w3 -> nazwa motK, lokalizacja ALL IP:
4. Używamy fontcrafta ( Pliki wypakowujemy do folderu w3, w okienku pierwszym zaznaczamy czcionke, w drugim wskazujemy folder w3, zahaczamy drugi "ptaszek" i enter.)
5. odpalamy gre za pomocą W3L.EXE, sprawdzamy czy mamy chińskie znaczki, jak nie to wracamy do punktu 4 i wybieramy pierwszą opcję. Próbujemy się podłączyć pod Battlenet, przełączając bramke na motK, jak nie da rady polączyć to wracamy do punktu 3. Zakładamy konto, logujemy sie i wybieramy Własna gra( albo Custom game, zależnie od wersji językowej).

Alternatywna metoda spatchowania do 1.26a

1. Wypakowujemy vws do folderu z w3 a patch 1.26 do folderu vws.
2. odpalamy vws.exe, wybieramy change version i wybieramy z listy 1.26
3. Enter i voila
4. Nie zapomnij pobrać nowego loadera pvpgn.

Ważna informacja

Należy mieć na uwadze, iż gry są hostowane przy użyciu odpowiednich botów (sakuya, Ghost, Remilia) oraz gry są ustalane na IRCu na kanale #dots-meido
Brak rejestracji na ircu sprawi,że was z gry na BN po prostu wykopią ,bo zajmiesz komuś slot.
Komenda na rejestrację to '@addme dots" lub jeśli nie ma Rinnosuke to @learn playerlist is _twoj_nick_
Nastepnie jak uzbiera się 6-10 graczy gra jest zakładana i każdy się podpina.
Gry się odbywają regularnie, średnio ok 6-15 gier na dobę się odbywa.

Jeśli ktoś się wstrzymuje przed grą ze względu na brak ENG wersji to polecam tohowiki. Jest aktualna do najnowszego patcha i na bieżąco uzupełniana:

W razie problemów męczyć mnie lub AQ na IRCu, kanał #satan

DotS Arena / [DotS] - garena
« on July 19th, 2011, 05:44 PM »
Witam, wszystkich chętnych, niezależnie czy pro czy nubów zapraszam do gry w dotsy ;)

Gramy poprzez:

B) Battlenet MotK(Maiden of the Kaleidoscope)
Wymagany patch 1.26a
C) GaRENA taiwanese esm THDota room

Preferowany battlenet, bo więcej ludzi.

Dla niewtajemniczonych...

Dots - Defence of the Skirts - mod do warcrafta III

Do gry wymagany Warcraft III + The frozen throne spatchowane do wersji 1.26.

Każdego zainteresowanego, który nie ogarnia a chciałby pograć, spróbować lub też się czegoś dowiedzieć zapraszam na IRC, kanał #satan w sieci Rizon. Można tam się bezproblemowo dostać z poziomu bramki IRC ze strony(jednak bardzo gorąco polecam program IRC, np mirc,irssi,bitchX,icechat lub inny). Jeśli jesteście na innym kanale, to komenda /join #nazwa kanału, czyli w tym wypadku /join #satan.

Jeśli ktoś byłby zainteresowany grą na battlenecie,zamiast na garenie( Polecam szczerze, ze względu na szybszą i lepszą organizację oraz więcej ludzi) to zapraszam na IRC, ponieważ gry wpierw sa ustalane na IRCu, a potem hostowane na BN.

Jeśli jednak chcecie pograc na garenie to polecam room -> taiwanese esm THDota room 01 Wejść mozna tylko poprzez recent room(jesli chociaż raz tam byliście) lub śledząc (trace buddy) kogos z friendlisty, kto tam jest(Np mnie, login Kriss_Hietala).

DotS Arena / Changelog DotS
« on July 19th, 2011, 05:38 PM »
Nie wszyscy odwiedzaja forum Shrinemaiden i nie każdy zna chiński, więc będe Wam tutaj regularnie przeklejał przetłumaczony changelog ;) Postaram się wrzucić wszystkie changelogi od 949c wzwyż, żeby było jakieś porównanie jak się postacie zmieniały i mechanika wraz z kolejnymi patchami. Linki do mapek mogą być jednak nieaktualne.

Nie udało mi się znaleźć changelogów do wersji 95X. Jeśli ktoś gdzieś wyszperał, prosiłbym o kontakt.


(click to show/hide)
- Fixed the bug where players could control creeps
- Fixed IIW's bug that shares the traits as the uncompleted recipe.
Fixed Hakkero bug with regards to:
- Ran: Shikigami?Chen?, Illusion God?Descent of Izuna-Gongen?
- Fixed Mystia's Flight
- Fixed the bug which render Koishi's critical useless against aerial units
- Fixed the bug for certain items that cannot be activated under certain conditions
- Fixed the bug which causes Nue's Undefined ?UFO invasion of terror?to collapse when targetted on outer world
- Fixed Kanako's bug where items are effective against buildings
- Fixed Mystia's delayed spell effect bug
- Fixed Komachi's description
- Replaced minor decoration models
- Minor typos
- Rin: Wheelbarrow attack range 700 -> 600, Movement Speed 350 -> 320
- Satori: Heart Flower?Camera Shy Rose?Damage 50%/60%/70%/80% -> 45%/60%/75%/90%
- Alice: England doll self destruction damage 100/120/140/160 -> 85/110/135/160
- Myon Armor Increase +10->+5
- SDL: Price2600/3800/5000/6200/7400 -> 2200/3000/3800/4600/5400
- SDL: Projectile Speed 400 -> 600
- SDL: Damage 320/440/560/680/800 -> 200/300/400/500/600
- SDL: Stun 0.01/0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0 -> 0.01/0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00
- Dr. Jekyll/Kitsune/Stopwatch: Changed main attribute +18, other attributes +3
- Anchor: Critical rate 180%->200%


(click to show/hide)
0.959b changelog:
- Fixed Koakuma's Phoenix Order bug where hitting units gives her an extra skill
- Fixed Banana Recipe bug where description is wrong.
- Fixed China's bug where her ultimate continues even if she dies.
- Fixed Hakurei "bug" where color is weird.
- Fixed Murasa's bug where it can carry more than 1 unit
- Fixed Murasa's Ship bug where it actually only deals 240 damage compared to the description.
- Fixed Flandre's QED "Ripples of 495 Years" where the aura affects melee allies.
- Fixed Okuu's "Hell and Heaven Meltdown" and Remilia's "Red the Nightless Castle" bug where when used together, only one of them deals damage.
- Fixed Yuka's bug where her flowers aren't affected by Flower Garden "Sun, Nourishment"
- Fixed Tewi's bug where her orb effect attacks units that can reflect (Cirno, China, Kaguya Aura) causes it to have a chance to infinitely repeat the orb effect damage
- Fixed Kogasa's "Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival" bug where if she is in this stae, she cannot be affected by OHKO skills
- Fixed Flandre's bug where Hakkero does not affect her "Four of a Kind"
- Fixed Remilia's Scarlet Bat bug where the "actual Remilia" attacks units even though she does not "exist" while split into bats
- Fixed Yuyuko's bug where her ultimate can affect buildings.

- All item and skill orb effect and buff placer stacks are corrected.

- Moriya gains Hisoutensoku Boss Unit.
- Hakurei gains Demon Constriction Circle.
- Destroying the mini-base Unit level increases to Lv30 -> does not increase.
- Super melee units HP 800->1070
- Super ranged units HP 600->740
- Unit level max - 30->99
- Melee units gain X HP per level +16->+17
- Ranged units gain X HP per level +15->+14
- Melee units' armor reduces magic damage by 10%
- Creep Level increase cooldown 180->165.
- All characters gains 4% more experience.
- Buy back requires some faith, the price of buy back is increased.

- Flandre Strength 15 + 1.25 -> 18 + 1.50, Intelligence 18 + 1.50 -> 15 + 1.25
- Flandre's Destruction "Core Breaker" negative effect against buildings is removed
- Flandre's "Four of a Kind" Damage percentage 20/30/40/50% -> 12/18/24/30%, Spirit Cost 60/100/140/180 -> 40/80/120/160
- Flandre's "Lavatein" damage increase 15/25/35/45 -> 10/15/20/25
- Flandre's "Lavatein" chance 30/45/60/75% -> 100%, decreases 12% MS 10% AS -> decreases 12% MSAS
- Flandre's "Lavatein" stack limit 4 times -> 1/2/3/4 times Last 1.5 seconds -> 3 seconds
- Flandre's "And Then Will There Be None?" damage multiplier 3/5/7 -> 3/4.5/6
- Youmu's "Thousand Cherry Blossoms" distance 1000 -> 700/800/900/1000 Damage 50/70/90/110 -> 50/80/110/140
- Youmu's "Rise from Delusion" armor reduction chance 50/65/85/100% -> 100%
- Youmu's "Rise from Delusion" armor reduction -> 0.75/1.50/2.25/3.00 Clone deals 100% -> 50%
- Youmu's "Rise from Delusion" adds additional 10/15/20/25 damage, armor reduction cap 60 -> 6/12/18/24
- Youmu's "Slash of Eternity" initial damage 100/200/270 -> 90/180/270
- Youmu's "Slash of Eternity" damage multiplier x3.4/4.6/5.2 -> 3.2/4.2/5.2
- Youmu's "Slash of Eternity" cooldown 130/100/70 -> 100/85/70
- Yukari's "Quadruple Border" duration 2/3/4/5 -> 1/2/3/4
- Yukari's "Rail Motor Object" cooldown 3 -> 4
- Tewi's "Great Treasure Crest damage multiplier 1/2/3/4% -> 0.75/1.50/2.25/3.00%
- Tewi's "Lucky Inaba" chance 33% -> 36%
- Tewi's Lucky Inaba boost 11/22/33% -> 12/24/36%
- Reisen has a lot of adjustments (Check in game)
- Komachi's Soul can damage wards -> cannot damage
- Komachi's Soul -1HP/sec -> Adds/Decreases depending on distance between Komachi
- Shizuha's "Falling Leaves of Madness" damage 50 -> 50/65/80
- Shizuha's "Falling Leaves of Madness" duration 6/7/8 -> 8/11/14
- Minoriko new skill Fruit Sign "Warm Colour Harvest", original Warm Colour Harvest is renamed Fruit Sign "Apple"
- Minoriko's "Apple" Hp recovery 50/75/100/125 -> hp recovery 100/150/200/250
- Minoriko's "Apple" ratio increase 5/10/15/20% -> 2.5/5.0/7.5/10.0%
- Minoriko's "Autumn Sign "The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Heart" spirit link 6/12/18/24% -> 8/16/24/32%
- Yamame 8 legs -> 2 legs
- Yamame 8 leg skills -> 2 leg skills (check game for more details)
- Kisume projectile -> character (check game for more details)
- Yuugi new skill Oni's Voice "Annihilating Roar", original Annihilating Roar renamed as Shackles Sign "Shackles a Criminal Can't Take Off"
- Utsuho has moderate amount of changes (check game for more details)
- Murasa's Ship cooldown 100 seconds -> 60 seconds after boat ship disappears
- Murasa's Ship HP 600/800/1000 -> 600/900/1200
- Murasa's Ship Armor 0/3/6 -> 0/5/10
- Murasa's Ship "Eternal Harbor Ship" damage 400 -> 300/500
- Murasa's "Sunken Phantom" always on -> casted manually, 30 cooldown, last 6 seconds
- Byakuren's "Omen in Purple Mist" Target damage 175/250/325/400 -> 125/200/275/350
- Byakuren's "Omen in Purple Mist" Area damage 100/150/200/250 -> 80/120/160/200
- Byakuren's "Legendary Flying Saucer cooldown 14/13/12/11 -> 17/16/15/14

- Added item - Kappa's Assault Handgun
- Added item - Phoenix's Wings
- Portable Bento Recover 15 -> 12
- Delicious Bento Recover 20 -> 18
- Luxurious Bento Recover 25 -> 24
- Shinigami's Scythe multiplier x0.15 -> 0.13


(click to show/hide)
0.959c -> 0.9601a (FFFFFFFFFFF WaffletonAN)

-HP gained with STR reduced from 19 -> 18
-Hero base HP improved from 190 -> 220
-Creep bounty changed from 30~49 -> 40~45
-Super creep bounty changed from 15~30 -> 20~25
-Point item drop rate decreased from 20% -> 15%
-Creep EXP increases every 3 waves.
-Base assist bonus reduced from 150 -> 100
-Tower damage improved from 75 -> 100
-Hisoutensoku and Genji's HP regen improved from 8 -> 20
-Final towers now have a chance to stun.
-Total number of rune effects changed to 8.
-Runes are now refreshed every 2 minutes.

-Aya, Tenshi, Yamame, Kogasa and Minoriko can check effects by pressing 'Esc'.
-Marisa's Magicannon "Final Spark" cooldown reduced from 140/110/80 -> 100/85/70
-Flandre's Wafflesel changed, range improved from 100 -> 130
-Flandre's Destruction "Core Breaker" bonus increased from 12.5% -> 15%
-Yuyuko's base damage improved from 21~28 -> 22~28
-Keine's Land Sign "Hidden Sacred Treasure - Headbutt" damage decreased from 120/155/190/225/260/295/330 -> 120/150/180/210/240/270/300
-Tewi's Rabbit Sign "Great Fortune Crest" bonus damage improved from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3% -> 1/2/3/4%
-Tewi's Runaway Rabbit "Fluster Escape" duration changed from 2/3/4/5 -> 1.5/3/4.5/6
-Tewi's Runaway Rabbit "Fluster Escape" adds a passive effect to Rabbit Sign "Great Fortune Crest" that reduces the enemy's armor by 2/3/4/5 (1 second)
-Tewi's "Lucky Inaba" activation chance improved from 36% -> 40%
-Tewi's "Lucky Inaba" damage absorbtion improved from 12/24/36% -> 13.3/26.7/40%
-Medicine's Confusion "Into Delirium" cooldown increased from 24/20/16 -> 120/100/80
-Shikieiki's Judgement "Last Judgement" no longer stuns allies.
-Shizuha's Autumn Sign "The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Sleep" cooldown improved from 60 -> 60/55/50/45
-Aya's "Bunbunmaru" damage changed from 11/19/35/67 -> 15/27/46/67
-Aya's "Wind God Girl" allows"Wind God Girl" to be used for 2 seconds at level 1. (4 seconds at 2/3)
-Sanae gained an innate passive ???. Every 120 seconds Sanae gains 1 faith and she gains 2 faith for assists.
-Kanako's Rice Porridge in Tube "God's Rice Porridge" landing time reduced from 1.6/0.8/0.53/0.4 -> 1/0.5/0.33/0.25
-Kisume's Well Bucket "Flying in a Well" AGI Wafflesifier improved from 1/1.5/2/2.5 -> 1.2/1.8/2.4/3
-Kisume's ???® cooldown improved from 16 -> 14
-Kisume's ???® damage reduction improved from 6/9/12/15% -> 7/10.5/14/17.5%
-Kisume's ???® damage duration changed from 120/180/240/300 -> 120+AGI*1.2/180+AGI*1.8/240+AGI*2.4/300+AGI*3
-Yuugi's Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe" activation chance changed from 6/9/12/15% -> 5/10/10/15%
-Yuugi's Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe" damage changed from 400 -> 300/350/400/450
-Kogasa gained a new passive. . Adds 1% aspd and 2 AGI under some condition, 30 charge max.
-Byakuren's Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri" bonus reduced from 20/40/60 -> 15/30/45

-Gum HP increase reduced from 250 -> 230
-ZUN Hat HP increase reduced from 180 -> 170
-Recipes requiring the above two items have also had HP bonuses reduced.
-Heaven Peach aspd bonus reduced from 25/12.5% -> 20/10%
-Lover Card heal amount reduced from 225 -> 210
-Stopwatch MP cost removed.


(click to show/hide)
DotS v0.962c - map download:

0.962c Changelog
Fixed an incorrect description of GHGM's hex duration
Fixed incorrect selling prices of some items
Fixed the Yatagarasu's incorrect cooldown
Fixed a bug where certain instant KO skills could kill Kaguya without her resurrecting
Fixed a bug where the Hakurei Amulet would not block Merlin's "Spiritual Music" or "Inspiring Military Fanfare" spells
Fixed a bug where Meiling could be stunned out of her Three Blasts "Colourful Ultimate Mountain Breaker" skill by certain spells
Fixed a bug with Youmu where her level 1 "Rise from Delusion" skill on Myon would permanently reduce 1 armour on enemies
Fixed a bug with Suika's skills that gave her higher skill levels under certain conditions ( ambiguous phrase)
Fixed a bug with Mystia's Level 2/3/4 "Song of the Night Sparrow" that delayed its movement speed buff
Fixed a bug with Mystia's "Song of the Night Sparrow" that stopped its movement speed buff on Mystia if she used Fly while under its effects
Fixed a bug with Keine's "Hidden Sacred Treasure - Headbutt" that allowed her to use the skill on items
Fixed a bug with Shikieiki's guilt skill where a guilt point's expiry would immediately expire all accumulated guilt
Fixed Tenshi's "Sword of Unyielding Soil"'s stunning area to match the skill description
Fixed a bug with Tenshi's "Sword of Unyielding Soil" that prevented it from stunning if the skill was interrupted during its animation
Fixed a bug with Nitori's "Phantasm Booster" that prevented it from giving her movement speed bonus after being hit by Yuugi's "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe"

Reimu now has an innate skill
Marisa's "Orreries Sun" cooldown reduced from 30/28/26/24s to 18s at all levels
Koakuma's "Devil Librarian"'s mana regen bonus changed from 0.10 per 2% mana missing to 0.10 per 2.5% mana missing
Patchouli's "Royal Flare" reworked ()
Sakuya's Strange Art "Knife of Eternity" (D skill) agility scaling reduced from 3.40 per point of agility to 3.25 per point of agility
Sakuya's Buriallusion "Phantomic Killer in the Night Mist" agility scaling reduced from 5.80 per point of agility to 5.50 per point of agility
Remilia's "Red the Nightless Castle" no longer protects her from certain debuffs
Alice's "Sonic Rush" mana cost reduced from 600 to 300 and cooldown increased from 54s to 75s.
Merlin's "Exciting Trumpet Piece - First Movement" (ult) cooldown increased from 60/50/40s to 100/90/80s
Yukari's base armour increased from 0 to 2
Suika's "Fog of the Labyrinth" cooldown changed from 15s at all levels to 30/25/20/15s
Tewi's "Ancient Duper" skill now has a new effect ()
Tewi's "Ancient Duper" now places a red outline around items spawned by the skill
Tewi's "Great Fortune Crest" damage base changed from 1.25/2.5/3.75/5.0% of enemy's base hp to 1.5/3/4.5/6% of enemy's base hp
Kaguya's "Imperishable Night - Rising World" mana requirement changed from 25% max mp + 200 to 20% max mp +200
Kaguya's "Impossible Requests" cooldown reduced from 120s to 60s
Girls can now check how many guilt points they have accumulated from Shikieiki's "Guilty or not Guilty" skill (presumably by using the Esc key)
Shikieiki's "Judgement of Ten Kings" reworked ()
Shikieiki's "Cleansed Crystal Judgement" immobilization duration changed from 3s at all levels to 2/2.5/3s and reduced movement speed duration changed from 12s at all levels to 4/6.5/9s
Nitori's "Light Saber Energy Reaction" now calculates bonus damage based on her own level instead of the skill's level - the damage bonus increases every 5 levels she gains
Momiji's wolves' critical strike chance reduced from 20% to 15%
Momiji now has an innate skill - Dog Sign "Rabies"
Suwako now has an innate skill "Moriya's Iron Ring" (gonna assume that there was a typo in the skill's name in the original changelog since it's 1 character different from "Moriya")
Koishi's base attack damage changed from 19 - 25 to 19 - 24
Added Shou Toramaru

Ice cube price reduced from 2350 to 2200
Multiple bentos now share the same cooldown (note: do they mean ALL bentos on the map???)
Brother Sharp price reduced from 4600 to 4300
Tax Collecting Yin Yang Orb point gain increased from 32 to 40
Unknown Stopwatch stun duration increased from 1.12s to 1.44s
Titanic Oar damage bonus increased from 26 to 28
Anchor damage bonus increased from 26 to 28
Nice Boat damage bonus increased from 60 to 64
Is That Enough Armour? price reduced from 3579 to 3333
Wings of the Phoenix price increased from 4200 to 4600
3D Escapade price reduced from 5100 to 4800
Jiao Shou's Mask effect changed from -40% damage in 800 radius to -40% movement speed in 300 radius
Jiao Shou's Mask effect duration reduced from 6s to 3s and cooldown increased from 15s to 25s
New item: Hi-tech Camera
New item: Watermelon
Recipe for Watermelon Knife changed from 2x screwdrivers to watermelon + screwdriver
Watermelon Knife effect reduced from +48 damage, -7 armour for 5s to +36 attack, -9 armour for 2 seconds


(click to show/hide)
DotS v0.962f - map download:

Fixed Tenshi's "Sword of Unyielding Soil"'s incorrect damage
Fixed a bug with Shou's Buddha's Light "Vajra of Perfect Buddhism" (D skill) that caused it not to consume any mana on activation
Fixed Shou's "Complete Clarification" that gave it the wrong skill level
Fixed a bug with Hatate's model
Fixed a bug with the High-Tech Camera that caused it to give a bonus to intelligence instead of agility
Corrected the price of the High-Tech Camera
Fixed a bug with the High-Tech Camera that caused it to do 0.07 bonus damage instead of the listed 7% of user's max hp as bonus damage

Reimu's Spiritual Bond "DotS Coercive Advertisers" (really?!) gold bonus changed from 5 per 12s with 100 bonus per assist to 4 per 12s with 80 bonus per assist
Reimu's Dream Sign "Duplex Border" mana cost increased from 45/60/75/90 to 50/75/100/125
Patchouli's Sun Sign "Royal Flare" base damage changed from 75/150/225/300 to 100/150/200/250
Patchouli's Metal Wood Sign "Elemental Harvester" cooldown increased from 15s to 21s
Patchouli's Five Elements Sign "Philosopher's Stone" mana cost increased from 20/40/60 to 25/50/75
Yuyuko's base attack damage increased from 22 - 28 to 22 - 29
Suwako's "Moriya's Iron Ring" base damage decreased from 50 to 30
Shou's "Vajra of Magic" (innate) hp/mp recovery decreased from 35 + 3% to 2.5%
Shou's Buddha's Light "Vajra of Perfect Buddhism" duration decreased from 6s to 5s
Shou's Light Sign "Demon of Purification" mana cost changed from 45/55/65/75 to 45/60/75/90
Shou's Treasure Sign "Stunning Gold" (R skill; passive) instant kill activation requirement reduced from 2.5/5.0/7.5/10.0% of enemy's max hp to 2/4/6/8% of enemy's max hp
Shou's "Complete Clarification" damage changed from 220/440/660 to 220/330/440, cast range reduced from 700 to 600
Shou's "Complete Clarification" mana cost increased from 250/300/350 to 300/400/500

High-Tech Camera chance of bonus damage reduced from 70% to 65%, bonus damage reduced from 7% of user's max hp to 6.5% of user's max hp


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DotS v0.962j  - map download:

Fixed a bug that caused the respawn timer to not be displayed

Fixed Ran’s Danmaku “The Last Buddhist Disciple”’s incorrect mana cost
Fixed a bug with the skills of Alice’s dolls – the stats and descriptions of Shanghai’s Doll Assault and New England’s Doll Kamikaze skills should now scale according to their level
Fixed Yukari’s Evil Spirits “Yukari Yakumo’s Spiriting Away” actual skill description not matching the description when you attempt to learn the skill
Fixed Komachi’s “Short Life Expectancy” incorrect mana cost in the description when you attempt to learn it

Some changes in the terrain layout
Bounty for first blood increased from 200 to 300
When a building is killed by any shrine’s units, the bounty is no longer spread evenly among players. Players will now receive bounty according to assists.

Mei Ling’s Qi Sign “Earth and Sky Dragon Kick” cooldown decreased from 19/16/13/10s to 18/15/12/9s
Yuyuko’s base attack increased from 22 – 29 to 23 – 29
Wriggle’s Worm Sign “Night Bug Tornado” area of effect increased from 300 to 400
Shizuha’s Wilt Sign “Wilted Creeping Roots” cooldown decreased from 15s to 14s
Suwako’s “Moriya’s Iron Ring” mana cost increased from 1 to 2
Yamame’s Miasma “Unexplained Fever” (R skill) percentage decrease per bounce decreased from 10% to 5%
Remove Shou’s Treasure Sign “Stunning Gold”’s instant kill proc
Shou’s “Complete Clarification” cooldown increased from 90s to 120s
Nue’s “Identification” mana cost reduced from 80 to 60

High-tech Camera chance of triggering bonus damage reduced from 65% to 63%, bonus damage reduced from 6.5% of user’s hp to 6.3% of user’s hp


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DotS v0.962n - map download:

v0.962j -> v0.962l
Fixed a bug that caused Alice's War Command "Sonic Rush" to recover 300 mana if she attempted to use it with less than 6 Shanghai dolls
Fixed a bug that caused Shikieiki's targets to reduce guilt abnormally quickly if she attempted to stack more than 10 guilt points on them
Fixed Shou's "Complete Clarification" skill description to match its actual stats
Fixed a bug that caused the High-Tech Camera's effects to be greater than its description
Fixed a bug that caused revival times to be longer than stated

Attack upgrade per level for melee creeps from the shrines increased from +2 to +3
Neutral creeps now increase in level together with creeps from the chrines
Bounty for shrine creeps reduced from 40 - 45 to 38 - 43
Shrine creeps now increase by 2 levels each time after they hit level 20, 3 levels each time after level 40 and 4 levels each time after level 60
Moriya's towers and the Hisoutensokus' chance to bash decreased from 20% to 15%

Shikieiki's guilt points are no longer removed upon death
Patchouli's Sun Sign "Royal Flare" no longer hits buildings
Shou's attack range decreased from 275 to 245
Shou's Treasure Sign "Stunning Gold" damage decreased from 40/60/80/100 to 32/48/64/80
Shou's "Complete Clarification" cast range decreased from 600 to 450

High-Tech Camera's attack speed bonus reduced from +30% to +20%
Yatagarasu cooldown increased from 45s to 60s
GHGM cooldown decreased from 70s to 60s

v0.962l -> v0.962n
Fixed a bug that caused instant kill effects to not work


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DotS v0.962p - map download:

Neutral creeps (small/medium/super) attack upgrades reduced from +3/4/5 per level to +1/2/3 per level, health upgrade reduced from 17/23/32 per level to 8/12/16 per level
Neutral creeps max level reduced from 100 to 10

The tree-gate at Hakurei now closes after 5 seconds of being opened

Ran's "Fox Tanuki Youkai Laser" cooldown changed from 8/10/12/14s to 10s at all levels
Reisen's "Peerless Medicine" (innate) hp bonus reduced from 190 to 108
Reisen's Inaba Illusion "Lunatic Illusions" percentage damage of Reisen' attack reduced from 5/8/11/14% to 4/7/10/13%
Koishi's "Subterranean Rose" mana cost increased from 200/250/300 to 300/400/500


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DotS v0.965a - map download:

v0.962p -> 0.965a
Fixed a bug that could allow Shou to damage everyone on the map
Fixed a bug with Nitori's R skill that caused it to trigger repeatedly under certain conditions
Fixed the description of Keine's F skill to reflect its actual effects

Changes were made to the terrain, tower positions and creeps
Bounty increased by 100
Experience awarded for assists has been increased
Creep sight range during the day reduced from 1200 to 900
Creep bounty reduced from 38-43 to 35-40
Heros' sight range during the day reduced from 1800 to 1500
Heros' sight range during the night reduced from 1000 to 900
Maximum mana per point of intelligence reduced from 15 to 14
Melee creeps (?) hp regen increased from 0.50 per sec to 1.50 per sec
Ranged creeps attack cooldown increased from 1.70s to 1.75s

Removed a large number of spells' ability to damage buildings

Sakuya's skills' scaling decreased from 1% magic damage for every 5 intelligence points to 1% magic damage for every 6 intelligence points
Added new hero Chen. Ran no longer summons her.
Merlin's "Maddening Fantasy Music" hp regen bonus increased from 2.0 to 2.5
Added new hero Lyrica Prismriver
Ran's skill Shikigami "Chen" changed to Shikigami's Radiance "Charming Siege from All Sides"

Ran now has a new ability Shikigami's Shot "Unilateral Contact"
Yukari's creep's damage upon being dropped from her gap changed from 30% of their maximum hp as pure damage to 100 + 25% of their maximum hp as pure damage
Yukari's Evil Spirits "Bewitching Butterfly in the Zen Temple" cooldown increased from 75/60/45/30s to 85/70/55/40s
Yukari's Evil Spirits "Bewitching Butterfly in the Zen Temple" now passively adds a creep to Yukari's gap every [85/70/55/40 - Yukari's level] seconds
Yukari's "Profound Danmaku Bounded Field -Phantasm, Foam and Shadow-" cooldown changed from (115 + 15*level of distance traveled)s to (115 + 15*level of distance traveled)/(95 + 12*level of distance traveled)/(75 + 9*level of distance traveled)s
Letty White Sign "Undulation Ray" changed (?)
Flandre's Taboo "Four of a Kind" cooldown increased from 25s to 30s
Mystia's Night Sparrow "Midnight Chorus Master" mana recovered changed from 6/8/10/12% of allies' maximum mana to 50/75/100/125 mana
Reisen's strength growth decreased from +2.00 per level to +1.60 per level
Reisen's intelligence growth increased from +1.50 per level to +1.90 per level
Reisen's innate skill "Peerless Medicine" has been removed
Reisen's Illusionary Rabbit "Visionary Tuning"'s copies percentage of Reisen's attack decreased from 4/7/10/13% to 3/6/9/12%
Kaguya's base attack cooldown reduced from 2.00s to 1.75s
Kaguya's "Imperishable Night Redux - Rising World" now revives her with hp equal to her current amount of mana
Kaguya's Impossible Requests "Hourai Jade Branch - Rainbow Danmaku" hp cost of 120/180/240/300 changed to 32% of the spell's total damage returned as magic damage
Kaguya's "Udongein Planting" and "Help me! Eirin!!!" hp cost reduced to 0
Kaguya's Impossible Request "Dragon’s Necklace–Indomitable Will- Everlasting Life-Patient Mind" hp cost of 500/800/1100 changed to 90% of her current hp done to her as magic damage
Kaguya's Impossible Request "Dragon’s Necklace–Indomitable Will- Everlasting Life-Patient Mind" cooldown increased from 60s to 100s
Mokou's "Phoenix Possession" hp cost of 20% of her current hp changed to 25% of her current hp done to her as magic damage
Shizuha's attack range increased from 550 to 600
Shizuha's God Sign "Divinity of Eight Million Red Leaves" damage bonus of 6/9/12/15% changed to 4/8/12/16%
Sanae's Divine Virtue "Bumper Crop Rice Shower" duration changed from 3.5/4.5/5.5s to 3.5/4.0/4.5s
Iku's Thorn Sign "Thunder Cloud Stickleback" mana cost increased from 125 to 150
Iku's Thorn Sign "Thunder Cloud Stickleback" no longer gives her a damage bonus
Iku's Thorn Sign "Thunder Cloud Stickleback" damage reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 40/60/80/100
Iku's Light Star "Dragon God’s Sigh" damage reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 40/60/80/100
Koishi's "Philosophy of a Hated Person" evasion rate changed from 10/16/22/28% to 10/15/20/25%
Kogasa's Monster Train "Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival" damage interval increased from 0.1s to 0.3s
Shou's "Vajra of Magic" interval between accumulation of pillars increased from 12s to 18s
Shou's Light Sign "Demon of Purification" mana cost decreased from 45/60/75/90 to 30/45/60/75
Byakuren's "Superhuman Byakuren" maximum mana added to her hp increased from 30/45/60% to 32/48/64%
Hatate's Journalism "Himekaidou Hatate's Journalism Training" cast range changed from 500/700/900/1100 to 500/600/700/800
Hatate's Continuous Shooting "Rapid Shot" duration reduced from 5s to 4s

Tiny Scissors damage increased from 12 to 14
Small Hammer damage increased from 18 to 20
Little Screwdriver damage increased from 24 to 26
Minute Spanner damage increased from 33 to 36
Silver Knife price decreased from 3200 to 3000
Blessed Frog from an Ice Fairy damage bonus of 8 and attack speed increase of 8% increased to a damage bonus of 9 and attack speed increase of 9%
Added a new item - Feathered Wing
Inaba Medicinal Sceptre stun duration decreased from 1.00s to 0.40s
Changed the Mini Hakkero's effects
High Tech Camera's 63% chance of doing 6.3% of maximum hp as damage reduced to 60% chance of doing 6% of maximum hp as damage
Added a new item - Nuclear Fusion Control Rod
Added a new item - Dragon Star
The recipe for Lily now no longer requires the Nekomimi but the Basics of Magic item instead
The recipe for the Phoenix Wings has been changed from 2 x Gum + Swimsuit to Feathered Wing + Swimsuit


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DotS v0.965b - map download

Fixed a bug with Kanako's F skill that could make it attack allies
Fixed a bug with Yuyuko's D skill that prevented it from casting
Fixed a bug with Ran's D skill that made it have the same effects regardless of level
Fixed a bug with Ran's D skill that made it become level 1 after use
Fixed a bug with Tenshi's D skill that made it ineffective
Fixed Chen's description in the hero selection menu
Fixed a bug with Lyrica's music skill (R) that gave it a map-wide effect
Fixed a bug with Marisa's Master Spark that caused it to do almost no damage with the Mini Hakkero equipped
Fixed a bug with Cirno's D skill damage
Fixed a bug where Lyrica was not an agility hero
Fixed a bug with Utsuho's F skill that caused it to infinitely increase in damage
Fixed a bug with Hina's W skill that caused it to have a bug (Aph: I shit you not... this really is what's written )
Fixed a bug with Byakuren's D skill damage
Fixed the Mini Hakkero's recipe's incorrect cost
Fixed a bug causing Komachi's R skill's souls to not do its proper damage
Fixed a bug with Aya's R skill causing it to damage herself
Fixed a bug with Letty's D skill damage
Fixed a bug with Keine's R skill that caused it to have an incorrect chance to activate

Altered the map terrain
Adjusted the music and sound of the hero selection menu
Changed the colour of the announcement of assists

Utsuho's "Hell's Artificial Sun" damage changed from 600/900/1200 to 600/800/1000


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DotS v0.965c - map download:

Fixed a bug with Utsuho's D skill that allowed it to infinitely increase its AoE
Fixed a bug with Lyrica obtaining P points that added to her strength instead
Fixed a bug with Lyrica's F skill that prevented it from slowing
Fixed a bug with Lyrica's R skill that made it reduce Cirno's intelligence to 1
Fixed a bug with Mokou's D skill that gave it an incorrect area of effect
Fixed a bug with Yukari's D skill that gave it incorrect damage
Fixed a bug with Yukari's W skill that made it unaffected by the Nuclear Fusion Control Rod
Fixed the incorrect information display for Yukari when pressing Esc
Fixed the mismatched before assembly and after assembly descriptions of the Nuclear Fusion Control Rod
Fixed the incorrect statistics on the Substitution Doll
Fixed a bug that made Yuyuko's D skill ineffective
Fixed a bug that prevented Yuugi's R skill from being activated
Fixed a bug with Cirno's F and R skills that prevented them from being activated
Fixed a bug with Marisa's F skill's aiming

Patchouli's base attack interval decreased from 2.40s to 2.30s
Flandre's "And then there were none?" duration decreased from 15s to 12s

Eirin Doll's attack damage bonus increased from 8 to 9 and attack speed bonus increased from 8% to 9%
Nuclear Fusion Control Rod recipe changed from 2x Birdy + Bun + Party Basket to 2x Birdy + Party Basket
Substitution Doll attack damage bonus increased from 24 to 27 and attack speed bonus increased from 24% to 27%


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DotS v0.965d - map download:

Fixed a bug with Utsuho's D and F skills that caused their damages to increase indefinitely
Fixed a bug that prevented invisible units from being stunned
Fixed a bug that prevented Lyrica's W skill from shielding against instant-death skills
Fixed Chen's W skill description to display its cooldown
Fixed Koakuma's D and W skills' damage

Reduced Chen's casting time
Chen's Rolling Sign "Rolling Ball" speed increased from 1000 to 1500
Chen's Yin Yang "Large Pentagram Crest" mana cost decreased from 100 to 75
Chen's Direction Sign "Kimontonkou" damage reduction changed from 18 to 16-40, increasing with Chen's level
Chen's Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling" chance to cast earthquake increased from 25% to 35%
Chen's Wizard Sign "Incarnate Immortal Sage" mana cost decreased from 100 to 0
Merlin's Solo Piece "Prismriver Concert - Merlin's Solo" (innate) max hp increase per kill increased from 1 to 2
Merlin's Solo Piece "Prismriver Concert - Merlin's Solo" (innate) bonus damage every 4 hits increased from 4% of her max hp to 6% of her max hp
Ran's Shikigami's Shot "Unilateral Contact" now grants Ran 1s of invulnerability every 30 seconds (down from 1s of invulnerability every 25 seconds)
Keine now has an innate skill
Tenshi now has an innate skill


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DotS v0.965e - map download:

Fixed a bug with Medicine's R skill that allowed it to stack infinitely
Fixed a bug with Chen's ultimate that allowed her to retain its damage bonus even after death
Fixed a bug that prevented Ran from recasting her flag (D skill) after Genji eats it
Fixed a bug that prevented the Inaba Illusion Weapon from working with Utsuho
Assists now display properly even when shrine creeps make the final killing blow
Fixed a bug with Lyrica's D skill that made it remove her from the map under certain circumstances

Some changes were made to the map terrain

Sakuya's bonus damage for her skills from agility decreased from one bonus every 5 agility points to one bonus every 6 agility points
Sakuya's bonus magic damage from equipping a Mini Hakkero now does not stack multiplicatively with her intelligence bonus damage. The bonus magic damage from the Mini Hakkero is applied to her physical damage after taking agility bonuses into consideration but before intelligence bonuses are considered.
Sakuya's Time Sign ?Private Square? duration decreased from 5/7.5/10s to 4/6/8s
Chen's Rolling Sign ?Rolling Ball? cooldown changed from 3.2s at all levels to 4.7/4.2/3.7/3.2s
Chen's Rolling Sign ?Rolling Ball? movement speed decreased from 1500 to 1250
Chen's Heaven Sign ?Immortal Sage's Rumbling? chance to cast decreased from 35% to 30%
Chen's Wizard Sign ?Incarnate Immortal Sage?cooldown increased from 13s to 26s
Lyrica's Key Ghost ?Rhythmic Keyboard Piece - First Movement? cooldown increased from 120/105/90s to 135s
Yukari's Outer Force ?Semi-Bordered Flying Object? damage reduced from 135/170/205/240 to 120/150/180/210
Keine's Land Sign ?Hidden Sacred Treasure - Headbutt? damage decreased from 120/150/180/210/240/270/300 to 90/120/150/180/240/270
Tewi's Cunning Rabbit ?Ancient Duper? death explosion now deals twice its previous damage
Tewi's Runaway Rabbit ?Fluster Escape? armour reduction changed from 2/3/4/5 to 2/4/6/8
Koishi's ?Subterranean Rose? mana cost changed from 300/400/500 to 294/392/504
Tenshi's ?Daughter of Bhava Agra? additional damage of 100 during East Asian Rain weather changed to 25% of her skill's damage
Kogasa's Halo ?Karakasa Surprising Flash? now cancels as long as she is moved or has her state changed by any means


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DotS v0.965f - map download:

Fixed a bug that allowed Genji to devour Ran's siege flag from her D skill
Fixed a bug that allowed Genji to devour Minamitsu's boat from her W skill
Fixed the incorrect description of Iku's F skill
Fixed a bug that gave Minamitsu an extra passive skill
Fixed a bug that caused Minoriko's D skill to permanently stun a unit under certain circumstances
Fixed a bug that prevented Chen's innate skill from leveling up
Fixed a bug that allowed Komachi's F skill to instantly kill Kaguya
Fixed a bug that allowed Minamitsu's R skill to instantly kill Kaguya
Fixed a bug that prevented the sound effects for Lyrica from playing on some computers

Chen's strength stat increased from 18 + 1.40 per level to 21 + 1.40 per level
Koishi's ?Subterranean Rose? mana cost changed from 294/392/504 to 294/378/504
Minamitsu's hotkey for embarking her ship changed from L to E and disembarking changed from U to T
Added an innate ability for Minamitsu

Llama King can no longer be activated if one has less than 130 mp


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DotS v0.965g - map download:

Fixed a bug where the player in the pink slot would get an extra shadow.


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DotS v0.966b - map download:

Fixed a bug that prevented the Mini Hakkero from boosting the damage of some skills
Fixed a bug with the Hisoutensoku's pathing
Fixed a bug with Lyrica's sound effects
Fixed a bug with Shizuha's F skill not boosting her attack damage correctly
Fixed a bug that prevented AOE stuns from working on invisible heros

Adjusted the character selection screen
Added a new shrine ability - "Divination"
Added the weathers - Sunny, Calm, Scorching Sun and Tempest
Scarlet Mist weather's faith cost reduced from 8 to 5
East Asian Rain weather's faith cost increased from 8 to 12
Drizzle weather's faith cost increased from 8 to 12
River Mist weather's faith cost increased from 15 to 20
Spring Haze weather's faith cost increased from 15 to 25
Maximum faith possible per side decreased from 99999 to 100

Reimu's Divine Skill "Hakurei Border" cooldown increased from 120s to 135s
Rumia's extra skill icon for Darkness Sign "Demarcation" removed
Rumia now has a new innate skill
Rumia's "Is that so?" hp recovery for girls that cannot be eaten increased from 150/200/250 to 300/450/600
Meiling's Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Inner Strength" damage changed from 50 to 30 + 3% of max hp (assuming it's target's max hp here; it's not stated)
Flandre's Destruction "Core Breaker" damage bonus decreased from 15% to 12.5%
Chen's Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling" chance to cast increased from 30% to 35%
Added new girls - Lunasa Prismriver and Sunny Milk
Merlin's strength increased from 22 + 2.10 per level to 24 + 2.30 per level
Merlin's intelligence decreased from 21 + 1.80 per level to 19 + 1.60 per level
Merlin's Solo Concert "Prismriver Concerto - Trumpet Solo" bonus damage increased from 6% of target's max hp to 10% of target's max hp
Merlin's Maddening Fantasy Music hp regen bonus per x% of hp missing increased from +2.5 to +3.0
Merlin's Poltergeist Musician "Exciting Trumpet Piece - First Movement" damage reflection increased from 80/100/120% to 100/125/150%
Lyrica's agility increased from 22 + 2.10 per level to 24 + 2.30 per level
Lyrica's strength decreased from 21 + 1.80 per level to 19 + 1.60 per level
Lyrica's Key Ghost "Bosendorfer" cooldown increased from 18/15/12/9s to 19/16/13/10s
Lyrica's Key Ghost "Rhythmic Keyboard Piece - First Movement" cooldown decreased from 135s to 120/110/100s
Yuyuko's Sakura Sign "Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome" cooldown decreased from 8s to 6s
Suika's Oni Sign "Missing Purple Power" no longer empties her mana after use ()
Wriggle's Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon" changed to an innate skill
Wriggle now has a new skill "Unseasonal Butterfly Storm"
Wriggle's ladybugs now gain 10 max hp and 1 damage every time Wriggle levels up
Mystia's Night Blindness "Song of the Night Sparrow" (Note: This is her W skill, not F skill) damage increased from 0 to 150/275/400
Tewi's Cunning Rabbit "Ancient Duper" bomb duration increased from 180s to 240s
Kaguya's Impossible Request "Hourai Jade Branch - Rainbow Danmaku" cooldown reduced from 14s to 12s
Kaguya's "Udongein Planting" cooldown changed from 190/150/110/70s to 160/130/100/70s
Kaguya's Impossible Request "Four Treasures" hp of each treasure changed from 400/600/800 to 400/700/1000
Mokou Hourai "Fujiyama Volcano" now grants an 18% chance of creating an explosion on attack that does 45/70/95/120 magic damage. This is in addition to its attack speed bonus.
Mokou's Immortal "Firebird - Flying Phoenix" cooldown changed from 13/15/17/19s to 17s
Mokou's "Possessed by Phoenix" increases the damage of explosions created by her "Fujiyama Volcano" skill
Aya's base damage increased from 28-30 to 34-36
Aya's Wind Sign "Wind God's Fan" damage changed from [20 + (Agi x 0.9)]/[27 + (Agi x 1.05)]/[34 + (Agi x 1.20)]/[41 + (Agi x 1.35)] to [30 + (Agi x 0.8 )]/[38 + (Agi x 1.0)]/[46 + (Agi x 1.2)]/[54 + (Agi x 1.4)]
Medicine's "Sweet Poison" silence duration decreased from 3/4/5/6s to 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0s
Shikieiki's Judgement "Cleansed Crystal Judgement" clone's damage bonus of 10% per guilt point on the girl is now removed
Hina's Curse Sign "Purification River Deposit" cooldown increased from 90s to 125s
Nitori's Chemistry "Kappa Lightsabre" base damage bonus increased from 15/30/45/60 to 16/32/48/64
Sanae's Divine Virtue "Bumper Crop Rice Shower" cooldown increased from 120s to 135s
Suwako's Native God “Gushing Spring of the Ancients” cooldown reduced from 16s to 13s
Iku's Angel's Raiment "Veils Like Space" now gives a bonus damage of 10/20/30/40 to her skills when activated
Iku's Thorn Sign "Thunder Cloud Stickleback" damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 40/55/70/85
Iku's Light Star "Dragon God’s Sigh" damage changed from 40/60/80/100 to 40/55/70/85
Yamame's Spider "Japanese Foliage Spider" bonus attack speed of 2% per 9 agility points increased to 4%
Yamame's Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma" damage penalty of 5% per bounce changed to damage bonus of 5% per bounce (?!?!)
Yuugi's Shackles Sign "Shackles a Criminal Can't Take Off" damage changed from 155/210/265/320 to [110 + (Str x 1.10)] / [140 + (Str x 1.40)] / [170 + (Str x 1.70)] / [200 + (Str x 2.00)]
Yuugi's Shackles Sign "Shackles a Criminal Can't Take Off" cooldown changed from 8s to 11/9.5/8.0/6.5s
Yuugi's Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe" chance to cast changed from 5/10/10/15% to 5/8/11/14%
Yuugi's Feat of Strength "Wind Blowing Down from Mt. Ooe" knockback distance reduced from 700 to 500
Utsuho's "Heaven and Hell Meltdown" mana recovery per second reduced from 6/12/24/48 to 5/10/20/40
Utsuho's Control Rod "Hell's Tokamak Reactor" magic resistance reduction reduced from 3 - 23% to 2 - 18%
Minamitsu's Captain "Spinach" strength bonus decreased from 36/48/60/72 to 33/44/55/66
Shou's Light Sign "Purifying Magic" (E,F skill) damage changed from 80/135/190/245 to 95/145/195/245
Shou's "Complete Clarification" damage increased from 220/330/440 to 250/375/500
Byakuren's pre-cast animation duration reduced from 0.5s to 0.4s
Byakuren's "Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri" is now replaced by "Star Maelstrom"
Byakuren's "Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri" is now an innate skill that scales with "Star Maelstrom"

Added new items Precious Thing and Lunar Bow
Hakurei Amulet cooldown reduced from 30s to 20s
Eirin Doll recipe changed to Basics of Magic: Wind (450) + Tengu Amulet (500) + Recipe (150)
Eirin Doll now gives +6 intelligence, +12% attack speed and has an active ability "Rescue". This ability instantly heals 240hp. 10 seconds later, 45hp is deducted from its user per second for 5 seconds. Cannot cause death. Cooldown is 40 seconds.
Internet Addiction Eliminator recipe changed to Kappa Pistol (1100) + Paper Mask (1000) + Little Screwdriver (1800) + Recipe (1000) = Final Cost (4900)
Internet Addiction Eliminator gives +14 strength, +14 agility, +4 armour, +26 attack damage
Internet Addiction Eliminator intelligence reduction reduced from 60 to 50, duration reduced from 6s to 5s
3D Escapade recipe changed to Precious Thing (1100) + Lunar Landing Manual (1000) + Sake (875) + Recipe (1825) = Final Cost (4800)
3D Escapade gives +14 strength, +14 intelligence, mana regeneration +160%
Substitution Doll recipe changed to Eirin Doll (1100) + Cat's Claw (1000) + Blessed Frog from an Ice Fairy (900) + Recipe (1700) = Final Cost (4700)
Substitution Doll gives +14 intelligence, +14 agility, +25 attack damage, +25% attack speed
Tax Collecting Yin-Yang Orb recipe changed to Any Mushroom Recipe (540) + Small Hammer (1400) + Recipe (410)
Tax Collecting Yin-Yang Orb bonus changed from +4 all stats, +26 damage to +6 all stats, +20 damage
Dragon Star final cost reduced from 4200 to 3800, duration increased from 4s to 5s
Red Llama final cost reduced from 1700 to 1600
Blue Llama final cost increased from 1550 to 1600
Is That Enough Armour?  removal of debuffs upon usage of 7 charges changed to immediate removal of debuffs once 7 charges is accumulated

New items
Precious Thing recipe is Graffiti Petal + Soft Drink + Recipe
Precious Thing: Passively gives 3 gold every 10 seconds. When sold, 90% of its cost is recovered.

Lunar Bow recipe is Fruit Knife + Lunarite + Lunar Landing Manual + Eirin Doll
Lunar Bow's Active Ability - One Shot One Kill: Fires an arrow in the targeted direction that travels for a maximum distance of 2000 units. Upon hitting a girl, it does [200 + (Int x 4.0)] physical damage. The arrow has a hitbox of 150 radius. Costs 120 mana with a cooldown of 20s.

New weather
Costs 12 faith. Increases everyone's hp regen by +4 for 60 seconds.

Costs 35 faith. Increases everyone's movement speed by 200% for 25 seconds.

Scorching Sun
Costs 20 faith. Every time someone casts a spell, she suffers 4% of her current hp as damage. Lasts for 25 seconds.

Costs 1 faith. A very good weather...

New Heros

Sunny Milk
Flickering Light "Fatal Flash" (Innate)
Upon taking magic damage or melee damage, raises her damage by 8.0%.

Light Sign "Yellow Deflection" (D)
Bends light around her, turning her invisible, raising her movement speed. Invisibility is broken when she casts a spell or attacks. Also grants bonus damage when she attacks to break invisibility.

Cooldown: 16s

Level 1 - 8% movement speed bonus, 20 bonus damage. Lasts for 8 seconds.
Level 2 - 16% movement speed bonus, 40 bonus damage. Lasts for 12 seconds.
Level 3 - 24% movement speed bonus, 60 bonus damage. Lasts for 16 seconds.
Level 4 - 32% movement speed bonus, 80 bonus damage. Lasts for 20 seconds.

Sunfire "Ice Dissolver" (F)
Shoots rays of heat and light that burn and stun nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.

Area of effect: 225/250/275/300
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13s

Level 1 - Each beam does 145 damage and stuns for 1.4 seconds.
Level 2 - Each beam does 180 damage and stuns for 1.8 seconds.
Level 3 - Each beam does 215 damage and stuns for 2.2 seconds.
Level 4 - Each beam does 250 damage and stuns for 2.6 seconds.

Light Sign "Blue Deflection" (R)
Shoots a ray of blue light at the target which then bounces immediately to a nearby target, dealing 150% of its original damage.

Cast range: 600
Cooldown: 12s

Level 1 - Does 100 damage.
Level 2 - Does 150 damage.
Level 3 - Does 200 damage.
Level 4 - Does 250 damage.

Light Sign "Hyper Inflection" (W)
Shoots many balls of light in the direction that Sunny Milk is facing. Each ball does 60 magic damage.

Area of effect: 120 units wide, 2000 units long
Cooldown: 90/75/60s

Level 1 - Shoots [4 + (Str/8)] balls.
Level 2 - Shoots [7 + (Str/8)] balls.
Level 3 - Shoots [10 + (Str/8)] balls.

Lunasa Prismriver
Solo Concert "Prismriver Concerto - Violin Solo" (Innate)
Every 4 attacks, Lunasa does an additional [Level x 4.0] magic damage.
Every unit that she kills gives Lunasa a 0.4% magic damage bonus.

"The Heavenly Purple Path Above the Clouds" (D)
Fires a ray of sound in front of Lunasa, causing magic damage to any enemy in its path, silencing them.

Maximum distance: 1000
Width: 100
Mana cost: 45/60/75/90
Cooldown: 10s

Level 1 - Does 100 damage, silences for 0.3s.
Level 2 - Does 150 damage, silences for 0.4s.
Level 3 - Does 200 damage, silences for 0.5s.
Level 4 - Does 250 damage, silences for 0.6s.

Violinist "Instrument of Mourning" (F) (Passive)
Adds magic damage to Lunasa's attacks and causes her target to take additional damage from magic attacks for 9 seconds. This effect is stackable.

Level 1 - Adds 6 magic damage and causes her target to take an additional 1% damage from magic damage, up to a maximum of 16%.
Level 2 - Adds 12 magic damage and causes her target to take an additional 2% damage from magic damage, up to a maximum of 32%.
Level 3 - Adds 18 magic damage and causes her target to take an additional 3% damage from magic damage, up to a maximum of 48%.
Level 4 - Adds 24 magic damage and causes her target to take an additional 4% damage from magic damage, up to a maximum of 64%.

"Sorrowful Phantasmal Music" (R) (Passive)
As Lunasa loses hp, she gains a higher chance to deal double damage with her magic attacks. Base chance is 0%.

Level 1 - For every 22% of hp lost, chance of critical damage increases by 10%.
Level 2 - For every 18% of hp lost, chance of critical damage increases by 10%.
Level 3 - For every 14% of hp lost, chance of critical damage increases by 10%.
Level 4 - For every 10% of hp lost, chance of critical damage increases by 10%.

Poltergeist Violinist "Melancholic Violin Piece - First Movement) (W)
Plays a melancholic tune for her target, causing magic damage when started and any skills that increase movement speed, blink or teleport used by her target will be ineffective for the duration of the tune. The same magic damage is also caused when the tune ends and the tune lasts for 6 seconds.

Cast range: 1500/2000/2500
Mana cost: 300/400/500
Cooldown: 120/100/80

Level 1 - Does 150 magic damage.
Level 2 - Does 225 magic damage.
Level 3 - Does 300 magic damage.

New Skills

Sealed "Darkness Cycle" (Innate)
Grants 5% evasion rate and an additional 5% magic resistance and adds 10 damage.

"Unseasonal Butterfly Storm" (D)
After every 7 seconds, Wriggle's next attack causes additional physical damage and silences briefly.

Level 1 - Does [60 + (Level* x 6)] bonus physical damage and silences for 0.5s.
Level 2 - Does [80 + (Level* x 8 )] bonus physical damage and silences for 1.0s.
Level 3 - Does [100 + (Level* x 10)] bonus physical damage and silences for 1.5s.
Level 4 - Does [120 + (Level* x 12)] bonus physical damage and silences for 2.0s.

*Refers to Wriggle's level.

Byakuren Hijiri
"Superhuman Byakuren Hijiri" (Innate)
Uses Byakuren's maximum mana to increase her maximum hp. This skill starts off at level 1 and increases a level each time "Star Maelstrom" (W) is leveled up.

Level 1 - Adds [maximum mp x 16%] to maximum hp.
Level 2 - Adds [maximum mp x 32%] to maximum hp.
Level 3 - Adds [maximum mp x 48%] to maximum hp.
Level 4 - Adds [maximum mp x 64%] to maximum hp.

"Star Maelstrom" (W) (Passive)
Byakuren recovers hp from each attack she makes and causes magic damage in an area around her target equivalent to the amount of hp that she recovers. Units caught in the area take half of this damage as magic damage.

Area of effect: 150

Level 1 - Recovers [15 + (Byakuren's missing hp) x 1.0%] of health
Level 2 - Recovers [30 + (Byakuren's missing hp) x 2.0%] of health
Level 3 - Recovers [45 + (Byakuren's missing hp) x 3.0%] of health

New Shrine Ability
Costs 15 faith. Nullifies the current weather.


(click to show/hide)
DotS v0.966c - map download:

Fixed a bug that caused Rumia's F skill to be ineffective
Fixed a bug that caused a weather change after Sunny weather to have no effect
Fixed a bug with Wriggle's D skill that caused it not to do physical damage as stated
Fixed the description of Precious Thing
Fixed the description of Lunasa's D skill
Fixed a bug where Meiling learnt an illusion skill
Fixed the descriptions of the Red and Blue Llamas
Fixed a bug where Hina had an extra skill

Lyrica's Solo Concerto "Prismriver Concerto - Keyboard Solo" now recovers 8 hp and mp when killing a creep
Yuyuko's base damage increased from 23-29 to 23-30
Suwako's base movement speed increased from 315 to 322 and attack range increased from 90 to 92
Suwako's Native God "Gushing Spring of the Ancients" cooldown changed from 13s to 14/13/12/11s


(click to show/hide)
DotS v0.966d - map download:

Fixed a bug with Nue that caused missing animations
Fixed a bug with Byakuren where she didn't have level up animations
Fixed a bug with Yuyuko's hitbox (?)
Fixed a bug that prevented invisible units from being stunned
Fixed a bug where Sunny's F skill caused 5 more points of damage
Fixed a bug where Sunny's F skill didn't stun as long as stated

Meiling's Supreme Colour "Colourful Light Chaotic Dance" damage changed from 110/120/130/140 to 100/120/140/160
Meiling's Supreme Colour "Colourful Light Chaotic Dance" will now not cast if she is not moving
Chen's Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling" slow duration increased from 1.5s to 2.0s
Wriggle's "Unseasonal Butterfly Storm" interval between buffs increased from 7s to 10s, damage changed from [60 + (Lvl x 6)] / [80 + (Lvl x 8 )] / [100 + (Lvl x 10)] / [120 x (Lvl x 12)] to [40 + (Lvl x 4)] / [60 + (Lvl x 6)] / [80 + (Lvl x 8 )] / [100 + (Lvl x 10)]
Yuyuko's base movement speed increased from 295 to 296
Shizuha's Autumn Sign "The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Sleep" attack bonus duration changed from 6/7/8/9s to 20s
Suwako's Native God “Gushing Spring of the Ancients” mana cost changed from 75/100/125/150 to 80/90/100/110
Satori's base movement speed increased from 275 to 305
Sunny's base armour reduced from 4 to 3
Sunny's Light Sign "Blue Deflection" cooldown decreased from 12s to 11s

Doujin Center / Diablo2 loD -> Reimu II Lord of maidens
« on June 4th, 2011, 10:11 PM »
Pesco z kolegami z shrinemaiden rozpoczął projekt moda touhou do gry Diablo 2.

Projekt ukończony ver1.00

Stara wersja z odblokowanymi ladder runewords, wieksza skrytka oraz z dropiacymi charmami i kalasami specyficznymi dla danej klasy (np: amazon only bow, paladin only blunt etc)

Jeśli ktoś chce zagrać to można grac przez Open battlenet (Genji arena). Wystarczy bramkę zmienić do BN (Info w temacie DotS).
jakby co to jestem chętny na grę oraz mogę Was szybko przeciągnąć przez Normal i Lunatic (na phantasm moja czarka już ma problemy :P). Wiszę na ircu 24/7 na #satan więc można spamować, jeśli ktoś chciałby zagrać :P

Wymagany patch 1.13c
DotS Arena / [Dots] Dyskusja ogólna
« on May 6th, 2011, 09:25 PM »
Jak w temacie.. spam topic do dyskusji o dots ogółem :p